In 1999 Roger began his career by founding at the age of nineteen while still attending college. Under his leadership the company quickly grew to become a market leader, employing dozens of people across the world and generating millions of dollars in revenue.
In 2005, Roger saw an opportunity in the market for fibre optic transceivers used in networking subsystems and founded Agilestar became a world leader in optical transceivers used by Fortune 100 companies worldwide. To this day, thousands of Agilestar transceivers are used around the world annually and are resold on secondary marketplaces like eBay.
In 2011, Roger discovered Bitcoin while the price was still under one U.S. Dollar.
Recognizing its revolutionary potential, Roger’s company Memorydealers became the first established business in the world to start accepting Bitcoin for payments. Roger was also the first person to begin investing in Bitcoin startups, nearly single-handedly funding the first generation of Bitcoin and blockchain businesses. These include,, BitPay, Ripple, Kraken,, and many more. His investments have raised hundreds of millions in additional funding and serve tens of millions of customers globally. Roger remains a passionate advocate for Bitcoin and blockchain technologies.
Stanford University
1998, Palo Alto California
Deanza College
1997 – 1999, Cupertino California, St Kitts – Founder
November 2014 – May 2020 (California) — CEO
November 2012 – July 2014 (California) — Co-founder
December 2012 (London) — Co-founder
July 2012 – Present (California) — CEO
1999 – 2018 (California) — CEO
July 2004 – 2018